
Windows 7- Improvement since Beta for the RC

When we are now enjoying the happiness and convenience Windows 7 Beta brought, the engineering team of Windows 7 are busying on RC (Release Candidate). Since we got this news, most of us feel curious about the change. What will we get from RC since Beta? Yesterday, we finally got the changes from official engineering blog of Windows 7.

Totally, there must be some improvements, many under the hood but also many visible. For the visible changes, we discuss from three points of view: Core User Experience, Find & Organize and Devices & Media.

Core User Experience
1. Aero Peeks supports ALT+TAB
Customers have overwhelmingly given positive feedback about Aero Peek. Some users wondered the reason why Peek was never made in application for the ALT+TAB window. When we hold the mouse over the taskbar, the thumbnail shows the same way. Hence in RC, Windows took this request into it.

As a new piece of improvement in Windows 7, the selected windows show normally. With a partially transparent frame,some website windows are mostly transparent. This time in RC, customers can switch them with ALT+TAB. Aero Peek will appear when more window information is needed. There is also another application. Some users are dedicated to touch benefits. So, the Aero Peek let us drag our fingers in taskbar's thumbnails. the show desktop button is improving, we can conveniently see our desktop in a press-and-hold way.

2. Improved Color Hot-Track
Color Hot-Track is used to judge whether the program in taskbar is running. But we get no color changes when we move and clip our mouse in thumbnails. Color Hot- Track in RC can be identified in taskbar thumbnails easily.

3. Windows Logo + <#> keyboard shortcut
As in Windows, efficiency is the key for keyboard shortcuts. We do hope we can use more and more shortcuts to make our programs simplified. Pressing Windows Logo+ <#> in a program order, the item is simply launched. Just imagine ALT+TAB for the first 10 items on the taskbar. Easily flip back to the last window by CTRL+ Windows Logo + <#>. We get keyboard convenience!

Find & Organize
There is a specific control panel. As we all know Windows is engaged in the UAC control panel improvement. There will be more specific user settings. This will be also a spotlight in RC. With Windows 7, you will lock your computer without any screensaver. Do not trouble yourself on the screensaver! The RC will try to make a change in where we can not specify any screensaver to lock computer during a certain part of time.

There will be also some desktop icon improvements. In Beta, it is hardly to separate icons and tools with View Setting. We are looking forward to show desktop icons and tools optionally in RC.

Devices & Media.
Improved Windows Media Player leads us a more clearly video preview. In RC, the previewing videos will be clearer when Media Player is in process. Also, Windows Logo +E, which can open Windows Explorer before, have been altered back in RC. There will be no any use for some people who use the shortcut to open Media library in Beta. But let’s practice it!

More details about Windows 7 RC, you can visit Windows 7 engineers' blog.

Since the Windows 7 released until now, there is an "everyone Windows 7" Era. For the stability, function and usability, we know, windows is always on the path working towards RC and of course we feel anxious about the next phase of RTM. Absolutely, we are also on the path expecting it!


Review of Safari 4 Beta

Like the title, let's check it out.

Apple released new Safari 4 Beta (Mac OS X Version Windows Version )browser on this Tuesday. This new version of Safari browser owns obvious new seven leading features, including Nitro Engine, Top Sites, Full History Search, Cover Flow, and Tabs on Top, Windows Native Look and Developer Tools. We introduce them from respective functions.

Nitro Engine
Among them, the major and important new advantage is Nitro Engine. Nitro Engine is the core of Safari 4 Beta. Don't you ever hope your browser will lead you a special and fast browsing experience? Just try Safari 4 Beta. It is also the Nitro Engine that makes new Safari 4 Beta run faster than other browsers. It is pointed out that it will run JavaScript four times faster than Safari 3, three times faster than Firefox and thirty times higher than Internet Explorer 7. To speak of, with the most advanced and increasing technologies, the Safari 4 contains strong fast performances.

Top Sites
Do you also imagine your browser can makes you to look through in a visual browsing way and provide a special top sites list for you? Exactly, Top Sites in Safari 4 Beta shows you to enjoy a convenience of preview favorite websites; you even do not need to lift a finger! Safari 4 Beta will remain the record you visiting and rank them at the same time. Users can also customize display layout according to adding some favorite websites in a specific location of your grid browsers. Don't you think it is so easy to look your browsing top ones where you are usually being? You do not need to enter the whole website location in you grid. Just use your Top Sites of Safari 4 Beta!

History Search &Cover Flow
Besides, Safari 4 Beta also gives you a full History Search experience. Together with new Cover Flow, they two offer users a highly visual way of reviewing site history and bookmarked pages. Presenting you those you even visited, you will see again where you have gone. Is there a pity you have looked half of a page but it is suddenly closed? Do you want to find out the information you are reading and copy them? History Search and Cover Flow will solve you problem.

Windows Native Look
Furthermore, Safari 4 Beta will consider your computer system. Even you run Windows Vista or Windows XP on your PC, Safari 4 Beta will absolutely make you feel integrated. Safari 4 Beta contains a classic Windows native page layout. No matter Windows title bar, toolbar, borders, Safari 4 Beta even make the Windows fonts in application! So, here you will turn your difficulties between Windows and PC away!

Developer Tools
Last but not the least, developer tools of Safari 4 Beta can provide the personal settings for users. Open a page, turn it on Safari preference and use them to examine the structure of that page.

Tabs on Top
Finally, with a little difference from some browsers, Safari takes tabs on a new height! It still supports opening many pages at the same time in a single browser window.

To summarize all of advantages of Safari 4 Beta, the best way is to download it and save your personal browsing experience. Just like Brian Croll from Apple said, Safari is always engaged in performance, innovation and internet standards. It can be said, Safari 4 Beta takes a biggest step on browser development innovation. We do believe, Apple, will further bring us a lot of well-performed website tools. Let's desire!

Nice! The newest official wallpaper of Brothersoft

Brothersoft just released their newest official wallpaper, very nice-looking and web 2.0 feeling, just download and use if you like.


Windows Live Messenger 2009 - Novelties and Permanencies

Windows Live Messenger (formerly known as MSN Messenger, colloquially MSN) is one of the most popular free IM clients, and since July 22, 1999 when it was first released it's been going through severe improvements year after year, and version after version. However, this is the first time Windows Live Messenger brings a really interesting set of novelties starting with the year as a version number, but changes and novelties go far beyond nomenclature issues. Not only there are external and aesthetic enhancements but also in terms of features, possibilities and functionality.

This brand new Live Messenger 2009 was launched by Microsoft not alone but as a part of the general renovation of Live applications. Unlike older version 8 which went through so many phases in several attempts to clean its appearance: minimalist, modern, lite, and not only did never get to fit but also presented many incongruities, in my opinion, the novelties brought by version 2009 are various and make of it a much more solid IM client. Today we are going to go through them in this article, which is the result of having personally tested this version on Windows 7.

Note: In order to be able to download and install Windows Live Messenger 2009 it is mandatory to download Windows Live Installer. This free bundle also brings all programs inside the Windows Live products, they are Windows Mail, Photo Gallery, Toolbar, Writer, Family Safety, Silverlight and Movie maker (beta), but if you don’t want to install all or some of them, just uncheck them and make sure that only Messenger and those you want are checked. If there is an old version of Windows Live Messenger installed on your PC, you will find that Messenger will be at the bottom section and says "This program will be updated".

First Impressions
At first look we can notice its renewed sign-in interface, consistent with the look of Windows 7, it integrates itself very appropriately in the Aero environment.

Once I signed-in, various things called my attention immediately from top to bottom in the contact list: on the right upper corner there is a mouse-over with a brush that goes uncovered and invites you to change the scene. Clicking there takes you to the Scene window which is like a theme selector with background pictures and colours from where to choose the one fits best your likes for the appearance of the main window.

The second thing to be noticed is the Favorites group on top of the contact list, there you can drag your favourite contacts or add them from your contact list by means of the link in the blue legend which opens a window where you can choose the contacts you want to add to this section,

And finally at the bottom of the contact list we find "What's new" a new feature that will keep you updated with your contacts information such as their Display Picture or Personal Status Message all this will go on even when you were offline.

Be Yourself!
Now you can really show others how you are and how you feel in your display pictures, Live Messenger 2009 allows you to use pictures or short videos of yourself which have the ability to change according to your mood.

Additionally you will find that there are many animated display pictures and the possibility to access some sites where to find a lot of extra images to enrich your display items.

Another very helpful feature is that now you can drag pictures right to the chat session window in order to show them to your friends as you chat and they can (if allowed by you) save them into their computers. You can also send the content of your clipboard directly by copy/paste into the chat dialog box from an image editor like Irfanview or similar.

As always you can share activities like games but now you can also share Messenger TV, Photo sharing, Mimic and much more.

In Conclusion
Well, these seem to be the most important novelties in Windows Live Messenger 2009. You know, there are for sure a bunch of features to be discovered. I've been chatting with friends and relatives and it looks incredible. So in my opinion it is highly advisable to make an update to Messenger 2009, satisfaction guaranteed!!

Download Windows Live Messenger 2009

News! RISING Security Software 2009 Released

Interception, Defense, Multi Virus Cleaner and Protection

RISING, as the leading security software developer, released new 2009 version security software. Based on the concept of "Rising Cloud Security", the combination of Rising Antivirus 2009, Rising Firewall 2009 and Rising Internet Security 2009, will bring you five major defensive steps for your computer protection.

It is well known that the Cloud Security is planning to make every Rising user computer and Rising virus lab connected directly in a time-to-time way. Users can react to catch and combat Trojans and other malware. Every Rising user can join the network security protection and make the internet environment more safe.

As a consequence, 2009 version Rising Security Software developed three interceptions and two defensive functions, which mean Trojan, suspicious URL and network attack interceptions, Trojan and departure defensive functions. These five developments are all particularly designed for Trojan virus and can protect the users' computers in every link respect, furthermore, to clean up a healthy internet environment.

Rising PC Doctor is a free software you can download in Rising website directly. It enables you to repair Microsoft Internet Explorer & Windows, to examine your computer far away from Trojan Behavior. Rising PC Doctor will greatly enhance your security protection against malware and cyber threats.

But not the same, Rising Antivirus 2009, Rising Firewall 2009 and Rising Internet Security 2009, these three official multilingual paid software programs, will be three defensive walls during the process of Anti-spyware and recovering activities. Rising Internet Security 2009 contains a zero day protection allowing users to communicate with Rising virus lab in a rapid response network to catch Trojans and other Internet malware. Besides, Rising Internet Security 2009 protects you away from malicious viruses, Trojans, Worms, Rootkits, spyware, and other malware, and provides you strong security protection while online.

The Rising Firewall 2009, will keep your computer off the malicious websites throughout a daily updating method. To intercept website and malicious network attacks, Rising Cloud Security will update the malicious data system and enter the rule database, in turn to prevent attack from Trojan, long-distance and browsers.

For the prevention of Trojan, Rising Antivirus 2009 is the effective tool. With the monitoring control of malicious website and Trojan spreading rules, Rising Antivirus 2009 will lay importance on its aggressive behavior, afterwards, it will cut off its spreading media.
To sum up, the version 2009 of Rising Security software, will be always engaged in computer virus prevention in the world. Developed by Rising International Software, which is a leading and earliest enterprise for internet environment management and development, the 2009 Rising Security software will bring you a different browsing experience. The most important thing is, with Rising Security software, your computer and personal settings will be protected in an effective and safe way.

Rising Internet Security 2009 protects you apart from malicious viruses, Trojans, Worms, Rootkits, spyware, and other malware, and provides you strong security protection while online. Rising Internet Security 2009 also has a friendly interface and is easy-to-use for beginners; also there are many customizable options for advanced users who wish this software to run as according to his/her personal settings.

Top 5 Live CDs

A Live CD is an autonomous operating system (usually accompanied by a set of applications) stored on a removable media, traditionally a CD (hence its name), which can boot from it without the need of installing anything on the hard drive. Live CDs enable users to be productive through the use of the RAM memory as a virtual disk and its own media as the files system, so there is no need to access or make changes on the computer's HDD, although some preferences can be saved if desired.

So, since PC RAM grew large enough and CD-RW speed reached such a level to make it possible to run the kernel, the use of Live CDs' gained popularity among PC owners. It is a very common characteristic that they include capabilities such as running a window manager and GUI applications directly from a CD device without causing any trouble on the already installed operative system. Nevertheless, Live CDs may also include tools that let you install some software on your hard drive.

There are so many similar Live CDs available making it very difficult to narrow the search down to the only five candidates, however, I'm going to tell you about what in my opinion are the five most popular Live CDs, their features and functionalities.

Knoppix is a Debian-based GNU/Linux Live CD which uses KDE by default but in the boot menu you can specify the type of graphical interface you want to use (Gnome, IceWM, etc..). It is developed by the GNU/Linux consultant Klaus Knopp. It consists of an extensive bundle of GNU/Linux programs, it brings automatic hardware detection, including graphics and sound cards, SCSI, USB and other peripheral devices support. Knoppix offers a desktop Linux system and can be used as a production environment, an educational CD, a system rescue tool. Additionally it can be adapted for its use as a platform for commercial software demos or trial versions.

Of course, you do not need to install a single bit on your HDDs. This solid Live CD performs on-the-fly decompression, Knoppix uses cloop module to run from a compressed image, recorded on the CD-ROM, so in a single CD you are able to handle up to 2GB of executable software, being over 8GB for the "Maxi" edition which is available for DVD.

Knoppix can be used in different ways:
• To show GNU/Linux system in an easy and fast way, especially as operative system.
• Quickly try hardware compatibility under Linux before you buy or use, especially for graphic cards.
• Use the tools included to restore a corrupted or lost data.
• Run a firewall or router.
• Bootstrapping a Debian installation.

You can freely download Knoppix Live CD from here.

Slax Live CD is a GNU/Linux distribution operating system based on Slackware. There is no need to install anything, it boots and run and from a CD drive. It is possible to run Slax on a computer that has no hard drive. There is also an option to run Slax from the RAM, thus freeing the CD/DVD drive for other uses, like watching a video DVD, play a music CD or copy/burn anything to the disk. Both the standard version of Slax and the Kill Bill edition use KDE as desktop, while Popcorn uses XFCE. Fluxbox is an option in all versions except Frodo as it is for machines with little memory and has no graphical environment.

When you insert a CD/DVD you can watch a movie, burn and listen to music, save and view data. Thans to the use of .mo file format (called modules), Slax is highly customizable. You can download and install modules (programs like The Gimp, XMMS, etc.) while using Slax live mode. All this without touching or need of a hard drive as it is in RAM where it is temporarily stored and executed.

Slax is a revolutionary operating system, fast and above all consistent, it is an excellent alternative for those who want to experience the world of Slackware safely, but also powerful, is also a lightweight alternative if you want to use a LiveCD that consume few resources as Knoppix.

Get Slax from here.

Ubuntu is a Linux-based operative system and Ubuntu Live CD is a special version which provides the possibility of running only off the CD without the need of being installed, thus, this CD presents us the system and its features, performance and behaviour as it was installed and running off the HDD. As you know, it is very useful to test hardware compatibility and driver support before running full installation.

This Live CD also brings the installer called Ubiquity which, if asked, guides you through the process of full OS installation. You can find current and old CD image versions available for download at the Ubuntu web site.
With the Ubuntu live CD you can securely use Firefox to navigate the Internet, create and edit documents with OpenOffice (text, presentations, spreadsheet, and so on), GIMP helps you to edit digital photos, and as an extra you will find that Ekiga allows you to make Internet phone calls, and a lot more.

You can download your free copy of Ubuntu from here.

GoblinX is a Slackware-based Linux distribution Live CD. It is intended for desktop users, among its multiple features it stands out the possibility to customize your desktop. GoblinX Live CD brings some of the most often used applications and utilities for Linux. The GoblinX user is allowed to incorporate not included programs and apps to the live CD as GoblinX utilizes a modular system, what is more important, those incorporations can be made while using it, there is also an option to make it when you build the the ISO image file. Included tools help you to create these modules.

Official modules are available, but you can create customized modules as well. Due to its on-the-fly decompression, GoblinX can also be installed onto a computer off the CD in a fast and easy way.

You can freely download GoblinX from here.

Last but not least we find Kanotix, this is an efficient and solid Debian-based Linux Live CD. It Includes the newest packages, thus it is able to recognize a comprehensive list of currently used hardware even more than many other OS. Kanotix is assembled for 32 Bit i586 and for AMD 64 as it uses the newest available kernel and it also includes unique patches.

Kanotix has the ability to be executed as a Live CD on almost any personal computer. It will detect and configure virtually any piece or of hardware in an automated way. Its features and performance made of Kanotix the ideal Live CD for PC configuration analysis, data rescue, forensic work, viruses and all kind of malware definitive removal on Windows-based computers as well as for simple tasks like surfing the web and sending/receiving e-mail in a public computer or while travelling. It installs to your hard drive in just a few minutes and is ideal for use on your desktop workstation or notebook, or as a server.

Kanotix can be downloaded from here.

Final Words
These are in my opinion the Live CDs essentials any computer fan should try at least once. As you can see they are all excellent pieces of freeware, so, just download burn and enjoy!


Music MP3 Get

Music MP3 Get is an effective and easy to use program which helps you search the social websites for free mp3 music and legally download it. Besides the most popular music, it also recommends the latest songs to search and support trial listen online before download. Compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Vista OS. With this, it couldn't be any easier and faster to get your favorite music!


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Hash Wav 2 MP3 Converter

Hash Wave 2 MP3 Converter gives its users a large number of options to Configure the puput MP3 file like bit rate , personal, private, VBR, copyright, CRC-chekcsum etc. The user can create create evrey single MP3 file by configuring the options available there.

The Various Features of the Hash Wave 2 Mp3 Converter are mentioned below :

1. Option to Choose the bit rate of the MP3 file - 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320. User can choose any of these bit rates for their output MP3 file.

2. Option to control the Original as well as Private bit of the MP3 file.

3. Option to Control the Copyright bit of the MP3 File.

4. Option to enable the CRC-checksum in the bitstream of the MP3 file.

5. Option to create Variable bit rate Mp3 File with lots of options to configure the variable bit rate file like maximum bit rate, minimum bit rate, Quality of VBR, VBR method.

6. A very neat, clean, user-friendly and powerful Interface.


How to Increase the Speed of Firefox & Internet Explorer

Not everyone thinks or dreams about a faster browser, however a majority of individuals don't like to wait for something they could have now, therefore when it comes to the Internet PC users would like to see some sort of efficiency out of their browser as they surf the Internet for work, school, or whichever other reason. Unlike Internet Explorer Firefox has been designed to take on fast speeds and customized optimizations; however both of these browsers can be tweaked to increase their speeds. Within this article I'm going to show you how to amplify your browsers speed in four easy steps so you can take charge of how fast you want your browser to load.

Because at times a fast PC and a quick Internet connection isn't enough to jumpstart quick browsing, this is why we've put together these steps, in order to aid you in bringing fearsome speed and effectiveness to your feud with sluggish Internet surfing.

Configuring Firefox
(1) First thing you have to do is open Firefox and type about:config in the address bar, then press enter. Next you'll see a list of configurations pop up.

(2) In the filter line under the address bar type in network.http.pipelining and double click on it to set its value to True. What this does is it increases the "pipeline" Ram ability of Firefox allowing the browser to accept more packet transfers.

(3) Now in the filter bar type in network.http.pipelining.maxrequests double click on it and set the value from 4 to 10. This increases the maximum amount of packet requests to 10.

(4) Next use the right click option to create a new string, name it nglayout.initialpaint.delayand set its value to 0. By creating this string you're signaling the browser that there will be no delay when first displaying the page. Usually you since the value by default is 250 you have to wait 250 milliseconds before you can view any page within the time that you've first opened it.

Now you're ready to enjoy Firefox's fast speed. There is no need to save anything, all you have to do is close Firefox and restart it. You should be able to see an immediate increase in file transfer speed from additional 10 to 40 percent.

Internet Explorer
(1) In order to increase the speed of Internet Explorer there a couple steps you need to follow. The first step involves accessing the start menu and clicking on Run. Type in regedit and click OK.

(2) This will take you to the Windows Registry Editor. Once the editor window pops up navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER and click on it.

(3) Next scroll down to Software, click on Microsoft then Windows, CurrentVersion, and then navigate to Internet Settings and place your mouse over that selection. It should be followed in this order: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings

(4) Scroll down to locate these two values: MaxConnectionsPerServer and MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server. Why these two lines? Because MaxConnections values (similar to its name) control the maximum allowed connections between your browser and the server. For instance if the value is 6 then this means that there are 6 parallel connections to a server within a browser window. Configuring these values will increase the amount of connections allowed to a server and in return you're able to browse faster since your connection won't become clogged. Once you find these two lines right-click on the first line and choose Modify then click Decimal and set the Value to 6.

If for some reason these two values aren't present then you can right-click on the white (blank) area of the Regedit window choose New and then click DWORD Value.

Now enter MaxConnectionsPerServer as the values name, choose Decimal, and change the value to 6. Repeat this same exact step for MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server.

The final steps involve closing Regedit and testing your new Internet explorer connection. Here's a video that will help you visualize all these steps.

Surfing speeds may vary due to the way you utilize your Internet, however there are times that slothful speeds are due to misinformation. Many have been mislead about how to speed up their browsing, and they never fully unlock the true potential of their browsers. The main message within this article is to help you use these 4 steps to unlock a portion of your browsers potential.

Please feel free to leave us a comment telling BrotherSoft how these steps worked for you.

Download Firefox

Download Internet Explorer


Some Tips to Make your Windows System Run Faster

Have you ever felt as if willing to hit the keyboard or throwing away your mouse after eternal minutes of (im) patient wait for a program to run or the very OS to start up?If not…either you are really lucky…or you are conscious and aware of the things that make your computer run sssslowwwlyy or really fast…and you put the latter into practice systematically.But if you belong to the group of those of us who feel close to a nervous attack from time to time thanks to the crappy functioning of the PC, you will certainly enjoy and make use of these tips to fix up things that slow down Windows PC.

Decide When you Want Things to Start upDo you feel as if you had time to learn a language while waiting for your PC to start up?If you have many programs loading at the same time every time you run Windows, the loading of your operating system will be dramatically delayed. Two solutions are available for this problem: either erasing the programs from the starting up menu of your OS or using Startup Delayer.Many people have (many times) suggested me going to Run, typing msconfig and go to the Start Up tab. If this is not checked from time to time, you will find out that the list is "all of the sudden" filled up with unwanted programs that load when turning on your PC, thus importantly slowing down the booting. Once you uncheck the unneeded programs, and re-boot your system, things will work out a little better.However, sometimes this does not make a huge difference and you may like to use a software that help you identify a temporal delay in the starting up of some programs, so as to avoid the collapse Windows suffers when trying to run all the programs at the same time: with Startup Delayer you can, for instance, setup your mail program to start up ten seconds after Windows has loaded, and your dictionaries twenty seconds after that…and so on. I truly consider this a very creative and ordered way to ease up the starting up and loading of the OS.

How Does your Right Click Function Work? Mmm…Does your context-menu usually appear to be crowded with items from the programs you have installed? It is no news that this kind of extra items are usually used as a way to advertise the product or company name and they are amazingly difficult to get rid off.These extra items, most of the times functions you never use, usually slow down the Windows Right Click menu on your computer. To revert this, Mmm lets you get rid of the items you never use and gives you the possibility of moving those items you rarely use out on a submenu. At the same time, it keeps only the functions you often use in a tidy and small base menu. Just run it and…voilá!

When Defragmentation is not Only a Long WordEager to improve performance in your PC, you happily run the Windows Defragmenter in the hope that everything will recover its usual speed and you will be able to work faster… and it turns to be that the defragmenter takes much, much, much more than expected to do its thing!!Instead of losing your cool, you can choose among a number of alternatives to Windows Defragmenter. One of them is Defraggler, which has the desirable feature of being free and really works in speeding up defragmentation. Other defragmenters you can download for free are: Auslogics, Wincontig and PageDefrag. It's just a matter of choice!

When Adding or Removing Programs Take Toooo LongOne of the applets in Windows that usually takes ages to be run, specially when you have an important number of programs installed on your computer (my hand is up!), is the Add or Remove Programs function.A very useful program I found to save a lot of time in doing this kind of things is CCleaner, which allows you cleaning your registry while making a back-up of it and solving many problems all throughout the process. I suggest running this periodically so as to get rid of junk and unnecessary registry entries.Another option, or rather a complementary one, is MyUninstaller. This practical software plays the list of all installed application, and allows you to uninstall an application, by simply running the uninstall module provided by the software that you want to uninstall. You can also delete an uninstall entry, and save the list of all installed applications into a text file or HTML file.

In sum …One of the best ways to avoid losing your nerves and to keep your Windows PC running at a good speed is trying to keep it tidy and clean, by making systematic cleanses of the registry and of unnecessary programs.

Download Startup Delayer

Download Mmm

Download Defraggler

Download Auslogics Disk Defrag

Download WinContig

Download PageDefrag

Download CCleaner

Download MyUninstaller